I recently saw a Social post asking about yoga, where to start and what did all the different Yoga’s mean.
So first and foremost there is only 1 YOGA which is the philosophy of life and how to live. It helps you achieve a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are trying to fit the broken pieces together. Yoga helps you find that inner peace that we lose as we get over stimulated with society. It helps you get less ruffled by life’s stresses and struggles and allows you to find freedom.
Yoga is a union of Mind body and spirit and on the yoga Mat we explore all 3, there is far more to the practise of Yoga than the pretzel like twists and gravity defying balances you see in classes.
Then we come to the different interpretations of YOGA on the mat, from flowing, to set routines sequencing to yoga with props, yoga without props.
Here at Healing within By Janine we focus on IYENGAR YOGA, which is a direct line from Patanjali and the yoga sutras. It’s different to other forms of asana practise due to its high level of attention being on the alignment in the poses focusing the mind while opening and strengthening the body.
What that means is getting your body in working order from the ground up. Educating and teaching you along the way what and how to work in your own body. We use props such as belts, blocks, bricks and blankets, to help you achieve the poses if you body is stiff or you are recovering from and injury making it accessible to all.
You feel the benefits in the first class as the intensity of the stretch itself will soon captivate you in how much your body needs to release the tension you are holding.
In 4 weeks you begin to sense the subtle differences in the body, seeing improved movement , better sleep, more stamina, stability and flexibility, and even your mental state. This is why I created the 4 week Grounding Trial so you get to feel this in action.
A continued practise develops more awareness as a whole bringing psychological and spiritual benefits.
Iyengar teachers also have a watermark (you can see above) this shows the teachers are continuing their development and assessed to high standards so you continue to get high teaching standards passed to you.
With a minimum of 5 years of “basic” training before we can become a certified teacher.
I’m am a Junior intermediate level 2 teacher with 15 years qualified Iyengar teaching experience under my belt. With over 20 years of practise as a whole in the Iyengar world. I have over 30 years of experience as a trainer, assessor, lecture, dancer and presenter in Health and fitness profession.